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    Resources Translator Pencil case

pencil case

Translation result
Estuche para lápices pencil case

pencil noun

1. a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement.

The artist carefully selected the right pencil to create subtle shading in her sketch of the cityscape. El artista seleccionó cuidadosamente el lápiz adecuado para crear sombras sutiles en su dibujo del paisaje urbano.

2. graphite (or a similar substance) used in such a way as to be a medium of communication.

The artist carefully sharpened her pencil to create delicate lines on the canvas, conveying the subtle emotions of the portrait subject. El artista afiló con cuidado su lápiz para crear líneas delicadas en la lienzo, transmitiendo los sentimientos sutiles del sujeto del retrato.

3. a figure formed by a set of straight lines or light rays meeting at a point.

The artist used a pencil to create a precise and delicate drawing of the cityscape, capturing the intricate details of the buildings and streets. El artista utilizó un lápiz para crear un dibujo preciso y delicado del paisaje urbano, capturando los detalles intrincados de los edificios y calles.

4. a cosmetic in a long thin stick.

The makeup artist carefully applied eyeliner with a pencil to create a subtle, smudgy effect on the model's lids. El artista de maquillaje aplicó con cuidado el lápiz de ojos para crear un efecto suave y embozado en las párpados del modelo.

case noun

1. an occurrence of something.

The detective was investigating a high-profile case involving a wealthy businessman's murder. El detective estaba investigando un caso de perfil alto que involucraba el asesinato de un empresario adinerado.

2. a special set of circumstances.

The unusual weather patterns in this region have created a rare case of drought, affecting the local agriculture industry. Los patrones climáticos atípicos en esta región han creado un caso raro de sequía, lo que afecta la industria agrícola local.

3. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy.

The lawyer spent hours reviewing the evidence to build a strong case against the defendant, determined to prove their guilt. El abogado pasó horas revisando la evidencia para construir un caso sólido contra el acusado, decidido a demostrar su culpabilidad.

4. the actual state of things.

After conducting an investigation, the detective presented her findings to reveal the true case: the businessman had been embezzling funds from his company for years. Después de realizar una investigación, la detective presentó sus hallazgos para revelar el verdadero caso: el empresario había estado desviando fondos de su empresa durante años.

5. a portable container for carrying several objects.

She packed her makeup case with all the essentials before heading out for a night on the town. Ella empacó su maleta de maquillaje con todos los esenciales antes de salir para pasar la noche en la ciudad.

6. a person requiring professional services.

The lawyer spent hours reviewing the case, preparing to defend her client in court. El abogado pasó horas revisando el caso, preparándose para defender a su cliente en la corte.

7. a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures.

The researchers carefully selected 100 cases for their study on the effects of meditation on mental health. Los investigadores seleccionaron con cuidado 100 casos para su estudio sobre los efectos de la meditación en la salud mental.

8. a problem requiring investigation.

The detective was tasked with solving the murder case, which had gone cold several years prior. El detective fue encargado de resolver el caso de asesinato, que había ido frío varios años antes.

9. a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument.

In her opening statement, the lawyer presented a strong case against the defendant, citing eyewitness testimony and forensic evidence. En su declaración inicial, el abogado presentó un caso fuerte contra el acusado, citando testimonio de testigos y evidencia forense.

10. the quantity contained in a case.

The wine shop is offering a special deal on cases of our finest Cabernet Sauvignon, with each case containing six bottles. La tienda de vinos ofrece un trato especial en casos de nuestro Cabernet Sauvignon de mejor calidad, con cada caso que contiene seis botellas.

11. nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence.

The verb's case is singular because it agrees with the singular subject "cat". In this sentence, "case" refers to the grammatical form of the verb that matches the number of the subject. La caso del verbo es singular porque se ajusta al sujeto singular "gato". En esta oración, "caso" se refiere a la forma gramatical del verbo que coincide con el número del sujeto.

12. a specific state of mind that is temporary.

After a few hours of meditation, she slipped into a peaceful case, where her worries seemed to melt away. Después de varias horas de meditación, se sumió en un estado pacífico, donde sus preocupaciones parecían fundirse.

13. a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities).

The millionaire was a case, known for his flamboyant fashion sense and outrageous spending habits. El millonario era un caso conocido por su sentido de moda llamativo y sus hábitos de gasto desorbitados.

14. a specific size and style of type within a type family.

The graphic designer carefully selected the Garamond case for the title font to give it a classic, elegant look. El diseñador gráfico seleccionó cuidadosamente el caso Garamond para la tipografía del título con el fin de darle un aspecto clásico y elegante.

15. an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part.

The bee's honeycomb cell has a delicate case of wax that protects its contents from external damage. La celda de abeja tiene un delgado caso de cera que protege su contenido contra daños externos.

16. the housing or outer covering of something.

The laptop's case was scratched and dented, but the internal components were still functional. El caso del portátil estaba rayado y dentado, pero los componentes internos seguían siendo funcionales.

17. the enclosing frame around a door or window opening.

The architect carefully designed the case to ensure it blended seamlessly with the rest of the building's façade. El arquitecto diseñó con cuidado el caso para asegurarse de que se integrara perfectamente en la fachada del resto del edificio.

18. (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers.

The typesetter carefully lifted the case off the press, revealing the perfectly set lines of text. El corretor de tipos levantó con cuidado el caso del prensa, revelando las líneas de texto perfectamente establecidas.

19. bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow.

The hotel room was well-equipped with a comfortable bed and a set of crisp, white pillow cases. El cuarto de hotel estaba bien equipado con una cama cómoda y un conjunto de fundas de almohadas blancas y crujientes.

20. a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home.

The antique dealer carefully placed each piece of jewelry into its velvet-lined case to preserve its beauty. El anticuario colocó con cuidado cada pieza de joyería en su estuche forrada de terciopelo para preservar su belleza.